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About Alison

Alison has a breadth of experience across parliament, local government, politics, education and the public sector in Scotland.
Alison stepped into the consultancy world at the end of 2023.  As a fresh face in the field, she's building her client list and has already had a contract with the Scottish Child Law Centre extended in that time.  Whilst supporting them, she designed and helped implement a communication strategy, successfully raising their profile as a specialist legal hub protecting children's rights in Scotland.

Previously, Alison was a strategic policy lead as Edinburgh's Vice Convener of Education, Children and Families, where schools, early years, children's services and youthwork were within her remit.

Her work included chairing multi-agency groups and progressing support for care experienced, disabled and black and ethnic minority children and young people, as well as children and families experiencing poverty.  Alison also strengthened action on child protection and children's rights.

In her wider elected role, Alison represented the fabulous ward and people of Southside Newington and was a collective decision maker across all government policy areas and related budgets.

As a teacher, Alison has years of direct experience in the Scottish educational system, teaching in Edinburgh's primary schools and latterly, as a supply teacher in Inverclyde.  As such, Alison understands the impact of policy decisions on young lives and the change that is required for many children and families.

Alison is also a bold campaigner on children's issues, including a Scottish Parliament petition calling for specific actions to strengthen the forward scrutiny of child safeguarding in Scotland.

In her earlier career, Alison spent a decade in the Scottish Parliament as a parliamentary official, with posts including private secretary and speechwriter to the Presiding Officers, roles in international relations, project co-ordinator for the opening ceremony of the new Holyrood building, and a secondment as the First Minister's senior visits and events manager.

Alison was also a Scottish Parliament candidate for Edinburgh Central in the 2016 Holyrood elections.

Throughout her career, Alison has worked closely with the third sector in different ways and has been a Trustee of the John Watson's Trust and a Governor with the Dean and Cauvin Trust.

Now based in Gourock, having moved there in 2023, you can often find her by the River Clyde taking shots of the breathtaking scenery or writing daft poems about life and the odd sea monster or two!

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